When you buy Datappraise you get two separate but deeply integrated products: Datappraise Web and Datappraise Office. Datappraise Web is your comp and subject property database that you run from the browser. Datappraise Office is a Word and Excel Office Add-In that provides you with the Datappraise ribbon menu hosting a rich set of features to aid in the generation of your appraisal reports.
Included with Datappraise Office are Word and Excel templates, easily customized, that serve as an excellent starting point for automating the creation of your appraisal reports. Datappraise leverages the best practices and technologies available today to make the appraisal process as efficient as it can be.
Datappraise allows you to keep all of your hard-earned information in one easy to access area.
Make one change in Datappraise and it is there for the entire office to benefit.
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All property information is pulled directly from the web into Excel and Word
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Access and maintain all of your comps and subject property information from anywhere.
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Separation of database (web) from reporting (Excel/Word)
Collaborate with friendly competitors in a shared on-line database
Attach comps to your subject properties with a click of a button. Comp records are saved with your jobs
Nightly backup of database and images to your private FTP account
Instantly share comps and images with other Datappraise users with the industries’ first peer-to-peer technology
Easily track Job Status, Run Job Reports and Manage Client Performance
Datappraise gets steadily better behind the scenes with no effort by you
Your Comp data is always secure
Subjects, Client DB, Rent Roll, I/E History, Rent Roll Analysis
You are instantly up and running with Datappraise on the web
Map your selected comps with multiple labeling options
All user database edits are recorded in a Change Log
Output comps to PDF, Word and Excel files right from your browser
Database complies with the Appraisal Institute Commercial Data Standards
Help for every page with a single click
Draw a circle or rectangle on a map to search a geographical region
Use your web browser to search, enter or update properties from anywhere
Microsoft Click Once web install technology for easy installation and updates
Your own private document library for all your on-line storage needs
Lightweight templates driven by secure .NET managed code
Save comp/subject changes in Excel directly to the web database
From any Datappraise Word field, jump to the Excel source cell
Import any Excel data source into the web database
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Easily create merge-style comp write-ups or subject reports in Word
Word and Excel templates provided for most appraisal assignments
Capture any cell or table region of Excel and send to Word
Manage reports, open Word and Excel files with a single click
Full featured ribbon menu leverages the power of Office 2007/2010/2013